Implementing change in literacy practices, especially in upper primary or lower secondary, can be challenging, particularly when not all elements of the transition are effectively addressed.
I often hear from school leaders that the change and progress they're trying to implement takes that little bit longer because they're stuck trying to get teachers on board and can't seem to gain some traction. And, once traction has been made, the journey to arrive at that point has been long and slow.

There are FIVE common issues to the pushback and resistance you may be experiencing in your context. and solutions to ensure successful implementation:
How I overcame these challenges:
#1 I shared the collective vision for literacy success.
As leaders, we need to know and must clearly define the the direction for literacy. Communicating and collaborating with our teams about how we're going to be successful to achieve our collective literacy goal. This is the big picture, strategic planning goal with micro-goals sitting underneath!
#2 I showed them HOW it will look rather than only telling them WHAT it might look like.
We can often forget as leaders to be explicit and demonstrate the 'show don't tell' approach when bringing about change. Modelling examples isn't just for teachers in the classroom, but also for us as leaders.
#3 I communicated the reason and rationale for the change.
This is based on the work of Lyn Sharratt and her '14 Parameters'- the justification and explanation. Provide reasoning to your teachers as to WHY this change is necessary in your literacy context right now!
#4 I ensured my teachers and teams felt safe to try something new.
If you're experiencing pushback, chances are there is an element of trust that's missing from you to your teachers. Show them that you're walking with them and beside them as a leader.
#5 I carefully planned for sustainable support.
Whichever approach you bring about for best literacy practice in your school, there needs to be careful consideration as to how teachers will be supported- consistently and sustainably to ensure a lasting, effective impact. It's one thing to shift literacy practices and bring about change, it's another thing to ensure it has been set up for a successful transition.
When you don't have these in place, the pushback is hard and the resistance is real.
When you do have these in place, the transition is smoother and more effective. Plus, you'll also strengthen collaboration, collegiality and collective efficacy.
The Instructional Literacy Coaching Experience offers a collaborative approach to effectively address and overcome the daily pushback and resistance you encounter.